Kuranda Poly-Resin Beds

Kuranda Poly-Resin Bed (4 biscuits)

Our take: If you regularly find a snowstorm of dog bed stuffing throughout the house, this chew-proof bed is for you. It’s more of a cot than a traditional bed, and features a stretch of fabric held in a PVC frame that thwarts chewers. Scratching or digging can ruin the fabric, but over many years Kuranda has found only a couple of dogs who actually chewed through it.

It’s easy to clean and ideal for hot and humid climates, since it keeps the dog off the hot or damp floor. It can be used indoors or out, and won’t harbor dust mites. It gives great support as it evenly distributes a dog’s weight. A lot of shelters and kennels use these because it keeps the dog off messes on the floor and thus cleaner. The downside: If your dog has bad hips or a bad back end he could have trouble climbing on.

There’s a choice of two fabrics: Canvas-like Cordura or a vinyl weave that allows water to pass through. You need to assemble the bed yourself, something that generally leaves me swearing in frustration, but it’s fairly simple and I didn’t have to ask anyone for help (that’s my barometer of difficulty). The beds are available in six sizes.

The dogs weigh in: A cot is a roll of the dice; if your dog hasn’t been on one, there’s a 50-50 chance he will like it. My dogs Fred and Ginger didn’t dislike the Kuranda, but they preferred fluffier beds.

Cost: high

–Phyllis DeGioia

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Kuranda Poly-Resin Beds

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